The Right Disposal

A hand places an expired pill packet in a safe disposal area to dispose of the medicine safely and correctly.

Supporting conversations about how to dispose of pain medicines correctly

Medicines that are used, unused, old (expired) or no longer needed should be disposed of correctly, but many people are unsure about the right way to go about this.1

After using or applying pain relief medicines the right way, disposing of them safely is the next important step – for example, to prevent others from using expired medicines accidentally or to stop them getting into the wrong hands.

From recycling the packaging to making sure old medicines end up in the right place, there are some golden rules to follow when it comes to medicine disposal. That’s why we’ve created a downloadable explainer article that you can share with your patients and customers to help them appropriately dispose of their medicines. The explainer can also be used to help you answer common questions or concerns that a patient or customer may have, such as:

  • What do I do with medicine that is unused or old and expired?
  • Can I flush my medicine down the toilet or is it better in the bin?
  • How about returning it to my local pharmacy?
  • What about recycling empty tubes and cartons – is that a good idea?

Download the explainer today and speak to your customers and patients about how they can dispose of their medicines safely.

For further information about the disposal of medicines in the European region, you can visit and click on your country for local details, as local guidelines will apply.

If you’re in another part of the world, please refer to local country guidelines.


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